Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 21st: Time is running out!

Topher has really enjoyed our nap times lately- the belly pillow is his favorite spot to rest his head, though he finds the punches and kicks rather perplexing!

A little cuddling.... We hope Topher is not too disturbed by the new brother he is about to meet.  So for now we are trying to give him as much love as we can, much to his delight.

Topher likes to watch Seinfeld DVDs with us, though his view is usually blocked by whatever he has crammed in his mouth.  

Here is the huge Belli Belly- about to burst.  This is me at 38 weeks...nearing the end at last.  

The excitement should begin any day now, so this may be my last post before you finally get to meet our little fellow.  We have packed our bags, practiced the drive to the hospital, rehearsed the breathing exercises, and read dozens of parenting books.  In other words, we are barely prepared for all of the wild changes that are about to hit us.  

The due date is not for another 9 days and doctors here are very reluctant to allow women to go beyond their due dates.  Induction is standard treatment here.  We are resisting this and would like to have our baby decide when he wants to make his move.  If he wants to wait a few days or so after November 30th, we do not see what the urgency is, especially since all of our checkups have shown he is still thriving.  So maybe he will be a December baby?  He might want to avoid the 4th as I doubt he would really think it was "cool" to share a birthday with his mother!

As for Delhi life, the weather is truly delightful these days- cool crisp air that has everyone breathing easier and finally pulling out long sleeved shirts and vests.  Topher spends his time rolling about in the garden and digging endless holes in the new plantings, much to our gardener's amusement (yes, we hired him because he does not seem to mind the dog interventions and deposits!).  Sebastian is busy baking cinnamon bread, bagels and anything else we desire. He is also working on his pie recipes in preparation for next week's holiday. We even have a turkey in our freezer ready for Thursday!  If we end up celebrating Thanksgiving in the hospital than he will wrap it all up and bring it to us there.  We have been warned that the hospital food is truly horrible (isn't it always?) so we are glad to know Sebastian will be taking good care of us, as always.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!  Keep a look out here for baby news coming soon.  Warmly, Clara